Searching for Diverse Suppliers?

You have several options to search for diverse suppliers.

Use our Supplier Locator - Available to Campus, a minority business enterprise (MBE), is providing and maintaining the Explorer tool, a supplier diversity database for  the entire University of California system.  Each UC campus supplier diversity staff person can provide access for anyone on their campuses.  The Explorer tool provides an easy-to-use search engine.

Send an email to to get access and check out this quick training guide to pave your way to using the tool.

You can also check out the UCOP website for Supplier Search Databases & Resources.

Use the System for Award Management (

The federal government uses this database to house data about all of the businesses with which it wishes to do business or currently does business.  To learn how to search for businesses and learn if they are registered, access the Search for Suppliers on SAM Guide.