Training (Non-University Suppliers)

Tuition and Training Fees

Training Opportunities

Campus units are encouraged to:

  • Check out the courses available through The Center for Organizational and Workforce Effectiveness (COrWE), before scheduling courses wiith suppliers outside of the Campus.
  • Visit the UC Learning Center, by Calnet Authenticating in blu and accessing the UC Learning Center button on the left side of the screen. The Campus offers courses in a variety of disciplines which can be taken online and through classroom sessions without cost to a department or unit.

During Spring (Janurary- June) 2013, UC Berkeley employees are eligible to enrolling in UC Berkeley Extension courses free of charge by following the required steps and soliciting a supervisor's approval.

For more information:

  • Login in to
  • Select UC Learning Center from the Self Service menu.
  • In the Search box enter "Sponsored Tuition".
  • Click on the document and select START
  • You may also go to the catalog and search in Professional Skills and Career Development category for the document. Refer to Tuition and Training for non-UC courses that can be purchased using either the bluCard or with a BearBUY Form. Conference attendance fees can also be purchased using either method. If the charge is equal to or above $5,000, use the BearBUY Form.

If you need to pay for training services offered by an outside trainer or training service, use a BearBUY Service Order Form. If the provider is using University faciltiies, an Insurance Certificate must be attached. Attaching a description of the training session(s) including its purpose is also recommended.

For information on policy relating to UC sponsored classes and training; refer to Fee Waivers, Staff.

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