Please use this page as a guide to determine if you should seek support with editing your POs or submit change requests.
Important Information
- A Change Request CANNOT be created for a PO or PO Line that is fully vouchered (net invoiced). It's a hard stop in BearBUY.
- If your PO or PO Line is fully vouchered (net invoiced), please contact your Berkeley Regional Services (BRS) Purchasing Team to request someone do a direct PO revision to the PO.
- HELPFUL HINT: The fastest way to order a new good/service or to increase the quantity of an existing line is to create a NEW requisition in BearBUY.
- Once a PO is created, you CANNOT make changes to the Business Unit, Org Node, and Bill to Address at all. If an Org Node is discontinued, you must close the PO and create a new one.
- Any changes that increase the total amount or quantity of a PO MUST go through the change request process for financial approval.
- ATTENTION - RE: CCOA Updates! The best practice for all orders created before May 27, 2022, is to make no changes or extend the service dates in a PO. If you need to make any changes to a purchase order that does not have a Business Unit, a new purchase order MUST be created to add the Business Unit. For further details on what to do with POs that do not have a Business Unit, please refer to the January 2023 Newsletter.
- REMINDER: Once the PO or PO line has been partially or fully vouchered, you CANNOT modify any of the chartfields (e.g., Account Code, Fund Code, Dept ID, Function Code, CF1, or CF2) or any other line details (e.g., sales tax, commodity code, etc.).
- Tip: For a partially vouchered PO, create a new line in the same PO, move the unspent monies from the partially vouchered line to the new line, and override the Account Codes (chartstrings or COA) in the new line.
- NO external changes (i.e., quantity, unit price, and item description) should be made to a (punchout or hosted) catalog order that will be dispatched to the supplier.
- Internal changes can be made to a (punchout or hosted) catalog PO if the PO or PO line has not been partially or fully vouchered.
- Internal changes allowed: Updating the PO Owner and Chartfields (i.e., Account Code, Fund Code, Dept ID, Function Code, CF1, or CF2) in the PO provided the PO line has not been partially or fully vouchered.
- Internal changes can be made to a (punchout or hosted) catalog PO if the PO or PO line has not been partially or fully vouchered.
- No changes are allowed in any Amazon Business POs, especially the shipping address and accounting codes (chartstring). Amazon processes the billing and shipping at time of order.
- IMPORTANT - To fully understand the shopping and change request processes, it is highly recommended to take the following ESSENTIAL eCourses: BearBUY 1.0: Basics for Shoppers AND BearBUY 2.0: Intermediate for Shoppers.
Change Requests
Submitted by Shoppers
- Do not create a Change Request for POs created before 05/27/2022. The Business Unit (BU) field was added to BearBUY as a required field on POs created after that date.
- Do not create a Change Request for a partially or fully vouchered PO or against a partially or fully vouchered PO line.
- Please contact your Berkeley Regional Services (BRS) Purchasing Team for further assistance.
- Do not create a Change Request for any (punchout or hosted) catalog order, including Amazon Business.
- Do not create a Change Request for POs using the Payment Request or After-the-Fact forms.
- These POs autoflip to vouchers and are not dispatched from BearBUY to BFS.
- ONLY the vouchers are dispatched from BearBUY to BFS for payment.
- For POs created from the Subaward and Blanket Purchase Order forms, you can ONLY update the amount if the PO line is not fully vouchered.
- To add a line in the PO with the same form, please contact your Berkeley Regional Services (BRS) Purchasing Team to request someone do a direct PO revision to the PO.
You are allowed to create a Change Request in BearBUY for the following:
- Prepare For (UC Berkeley staff or faculty)
- Ship-To Address and Final Destination Codes
- Buyer's Info
- Accounting Codes (Header Level - Please see Reminder and Tip above)
- Edit line information (if the PO has never been invoiced)
- Accounting Codes (Line Level - Please see Reminder and Tip above)
- Quantity and amount (only increase not decrease)
- Add a Non-Catalog Item Line OR a Service Item Line (if the proposed change is within the original purpose or approved under the original contract) -- Please Note: Most requests to add an item will be denied.
- Please do NOT mix form types (i.e. If the Services and Non-Tangible Items form was used to create the first line, please select "Add Service Item" line. Do NOT select "Add Non-Catalog Item" line.)
Regional Support
PO Direct Revisions (Change Orders)
Please contact* your Berkeley Regional Services (BRS) Purchasing Team if any of the following needs to be changed for purchases of non-restricted goods or services equal to or less than $9,999.99:
- Asset Management
- Distribution Information
- Supplier Information
- Billing Options (i.e. Payment Terms & Shipping Terms)
- Re-Open/Close a PO
- Cancel a PO
- For POs created from the Subaward and Blanket Purchase Order forms, you can ONLY update the amount if the PO line is not fully vouchered.
- Request someone from your BRS Purchasing Team to request someone do a direct PO revision to the PO.
Buyer Support
PO Direct Revisions (Change Orders)
Please contact* your Buyer if any of the following needs to be changed for purchases of restricted or controlled goods and services under $10,000.00 and for all purchases of goods and services equal to or over $10,000.00:
- CA Partial Sales Tax
- Prevailing Wage
- Fair Wage Fair Work
- Asset Management
- Distribution Information
- Supplier Information
- Billing Options (i.e. Payment Terms & Shipping Terms)
- Re-Open/Close a PO
- Cancel a PO