Contracted Suppliers: Not applicable
To pay for Goods for the purpose of entertainment:
- Click on and complete a BearBUY Non-Catalog Form.
- Attach a completed “Entertainment PO and Event Planner Card Authorization Form.”
To pay for Services for the purpose of entertainment:
Complete a BearBUY Service Order Form indicating that this is an entertainment expense. Include as an attachment a completed “Entertainment PO and Event Planner Card Authorization Form” and a Certificate of Insurance for services performed on campus.
Relevant Policy/Procedures:
- University of California BFB-BUS-79 Expenditures for Business Meetings,
Entertainment, and Other Occasions - UC Regents BFB-BUS-63
- The Controller’s Office extensive set of webpages on entertainment address how expenses must be processed.
At UC Berkeley, "entertainment" means expenditures for meals or light refreshments and related services (e.g., labor charges, room rental, equipment rental, decorations, flowers, and similar expenditures) incurred in connection with events that are primarily social or recreational activities in support of the University's mission. Such activities must support an underlying University business purpose such as promoting goodwill or cultivating donors. Refer to the Controller’s pages on allowable, unallowable expenses as well as exceptional expenses and expense limits.
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