Firearms & Ammunition

Catalog Suppliers: None

All Purchases for firearms and ammunition require the approval of the Campus Police department (UCPD)

  • Complete the BearBUY Non-Catalog Form and include the Supplier name, contact information and a detailed description of the items requested.
  • Attach any quotes or backup documentation, and written approval from UCPD
  • Click “Buyer Intervention” on the Requisition screen.
  • Add the order to your Shopping Cart and route the cart per your department’s established workflow process.

The approved Requisition will be routed to the appropriate Buyer, who will confirm with UCPD that the Shopper is authorized to purchase these items

Relevant Policy/Procedures: Gun laws in California regulate the sale, possession, and use of firearms and ammunition in California. The Campus complies with Part 6 of the California Penal Code.

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