Gifts to Faculty and Staff – Non-cash Awards and Other Gifts
Contracted Suppliers: Whether a contract supplier is available will depend on the goods to be purchased
To purchase from a catalog supplier:
- Choose item(s) from a catalog supplier and add them to a Shopping Cart.
- Assign or submit according to the unit’s workflow.
To purchase from a non-catalog supplier with or without a contract:
- Click and complete a Non-Catalog form with all of the required documentation.
- Assign or submit according to the unit’s workflow.
- If the supplier is an individual, the bluCard can also be used for allowable purchases.
Relevant Policy/Procedures: BFB-G-41 Non-cash awards and other gifts. This policy explains:
- the types of purchases which are allowed and not allowed
- the dollar limits for
- the applicability of taxes to those purchases
- how state and federal funds can or cannot be used for purchases
Gifts to Non-Employees on Behalf of the University
Contracted Suppliers: Whether a contract supplier is available will depend on the goods to be purchase
To purchase from a catalog supplier:
- Choose item(s) from a catalog supplier and add them to a Shopping Cart.
- Assign or submit according to the unit’s workflow.
To purchase from a non-catalog supplier with or without a contract:
- Click and complete a Non-Catalog form with all of the required documentation.
- Assign or submit according to the unit’s workflow.
- To purchase from an individual, the bluCard can also be used for allowable purchases.
Relevant Policy/Procedures:
BFB-G-42 Gifts Presented to Non-Employees on Behalf of the University
This policy details the basis for allowed gifts, eligible and ineligible recipients, as well as other important informaiton.To avoid any appearance of favoritism or a conflict of interest, no officer or employee should present a gift on behalf of the University if it appears that the gift is being offered because of the position held by the recipient.
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