Computer Hardware, Software and Peripherals

Computer Hardware

Preferred Contracted Suppliers:  Dell and Apple

The Dell and Apple Punchout catalogs on BearBUY list the most current preferred configurations for desktop and laptop solutions available for self-service purchasing. 

Additional equipment may be obtained from other campus catalogs.  CDW-G maintains a wide range of peripherals, accessories, and non-standard equipment.  Main Street is a Small Business and authorized reseller of HP equipment.  They can help when you have federal funds for computer equipment and software.

If you need assistance identifying equipment, configuring it, or purchasing it, please visit the ITCS Computer Hardware Catalog. This page links departments that can recommend, order, configure,  and deliver equipment to meet your business needs. 

If a computer purchase is being made from a supplier other than Dell or Apple, use a BearBUY Non-Catalog Form.

Information Systems & Technology (IST) reviews technology acquisitions costing $100,000 or more before a purchase order or contract can be issued. See the High-Cost Information Technology Acquisition Review webpage for more information about this review process. 

Computer Software

Software @Berkeley provides a consolidated listing of software products available for instruction, research, and coursework. UC Berkeley faculty, staff, and students in need of software for both institutional and personal use should check out what's available at prior to deciding to purchase software.  The campus maintains site licenses for most commonly used software, including products from Adobe, Docusign, Microsoft and many others.  

Additionally, BearBUY includes several catalog suppliers who provide software licenses and/or media at discounted rates. 

Preferred Contracted Supplier:  SHI International

Servers and Storage

Contracted Suppliers:  Dell, HP

There are UC systemwide agreements with Dell and HP for servers and associated storage products.  Search Contracts in BearBUY to learn more about the agreements.


Contracted Supplier:  CDW-G

Peripherals should be purchased through the BearBUY punchout catalog for CDW-G.

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