Searching for Small Businesses

When searching for a small business supplier, there are various tools at your disposal. Below are the resources available to find the best supplier for your needs. 


1. How to search for a Small Business Supplier 

a. Navigate to BearBUY

b. Click on Manage Suppliers > Search for a Supplier

c. In the search box, place a keyword and click go

d. In the left-hand side navigate on the left-pane and scroll down

e. Click on the specific class to narrow down the type of supplier you want

f. Ensure that the supplier is active (it should have a green check box next to the name)

Explorer IO

1. What is the Explorer.IO Tool?

The Explorer.IO tool is utilitized by the UC system to search small business suppliers that have already been vetted for their credentials. 

2. How do I obtain access?

To obtain access to Explorer.IO, please see the following website:

3. How do I find a Small Business Supplier?

a. After obtaining access to Explorer IO, login with your credentials

b. On the homepage a search box appears 

c. From here, you can search by:

i. NAICS Code: (This should be your first option if you are trying to locate a suppplier for a good or service)

ii. Name of service/product

iii. Supplier Name

d. Once you click search with the keyword, various suppliers appear

e. To narrow down your search there are filters on the left-hand pane

f. Ideally search for a Supplier within California. Additionally you can choose what type of supplier classification you want:

g. Once you locate a supplier, check that the supplier exists in BearBUY (see BearBUY directions above)

h. If you do not see the supplier in BearBUY, navigate to to complete the supplier setup

Cal Procure

1. What is Cal Procure?

Cal eProcure is the new online portal designed to improve the experience of businesses selling products and services to the state of California. This new system replaces BidSync, giving businesses access to bidding and contracting resources in one location. Cal eProcure is user-friendly and responsively designed for mobile devices.

2. How do I find a Small Business Supplier?

a. Navigate to:

b. Click on the Quicklinks drop-down menu > Find certified SB/DVBE


d. Search by:

i. Business Name

ii. Certification Type

iii: NAICS Code (

e. If you find a specific supplier and cannot locate it in BearBUY please navigate to:


1. What is SAM.GOV?

The System for Award Management (SAM) is an official website of the U.S. government. Suppliers can:

  • Register to do business with the U.S. government
  • Update or renew your entity registration
  • Check status of an entity registration
  • Search for entity registration and exclusion records

2. How do I find a Small Business Supplier?

a. Navigate to:

b. You will need to create a account

c. Click on the "Sign In link" in the top right-hand corner > accept the terms > create an account > follow the directions to create an account

d. Once the account is created you can login and add the "Entity Registration Viewer" role. 

e. Once you have the Entity Registration Viewer role you can search for entities that registered in SAM.GOV

f. To search for an entity you can view this tutorial: