Services and public-facing goods that could cause harm need to be reviewed by an SCM Buyer with delegated authority.
Requisitions must be routed to an SCM Buyer intervention regardless of dollar value if your order falls into one of the categories below or falls into a Special Considerations category. Check the BearBuy "Buyer Intervention" checkbox inside the Bear Buy ordering form. NOTE: When the order is a non-contracted, non-catalog supplier order over $10,000.00, BearBUY will automatically route the order to the Buyer.
Examples of when not to select Buyer Intervention
- When the order is with a contracted Supplier that has been awarded UC Agreements through competitive bidding.
- Orders less than $10,000.00 that have a quote that does not require a signature or does not contain any legal terms of service/terms and conditions.
- BluCard orders under $10,000.00. These should be processed with a departmental BluCard or within Berkeley Regional Services (BRS).
- Facility Use agreements that Real Estate signs (typically when leasing spaces when it does not don't involve food and beverages).
- Some departments automatically check Buyer Intervention (The department end-users may not know when it should and should not be checked). This should be unchecked by BRS when special considerations do not apply.
Examples of when to select Buyer Intervention
- Requires a signed quote/agreement, including online acceptance of terms of use
- Complex on-site or off-site services
- Cloud services and software licenses
- On-site labor-related services of any kind (on-site is any University-owned, leased or rented properties)
- The supplier wants to use the UC name, logos, and marks
- Construction/Capital Strategies orders
- Services that could be provided by any employee or if the services are being provided by near relatives of any UC employee or former UC Employee.
- Laboratory and other animals - Office of Laboratory Animal Care
- Specialized equipment regardless of cost - Equipment Management (unless being purchased via BearBUY catalog or contracted Supplier)
- Environment, Health, and Safety: Restricted items (Gases, controlled substances, hazardous materials, radioactive) (unless being purchased via BearBUY catalog or contracted Supplier)
- Firearms, ammunition, explosives
- Goods/Equipment subject to Export Controls
- Goods or Services that will collect UC Institutional Information including but not limited to: PHI, personally identifiable information, credit card payment data or is subject to FERPA or GDPR