Amazon Business Customer Service and Support FAQs

These FAQ's cover inquiries related to Amazon Business Customer Service and Support.

Amazon Business Related

How do I contact Amazon Business Customer Service?

Amazon Business Customer Service can be reached by emailing customer support at (which is the preferred method) or by clicking Contact Us within your Amazon Business account to use their Custom Service Chat system or request for a Customer Service Representative to call you. Please use this team for anything relating to an order, transaction, shipment, and general Amazon related inquiries as well.

How do I share user feedback about my Amazon Business experiences?

We value your input! We want to hear what’s working well and what you would like to see improved. Email your feedback to contact at

BearBuy Related

Who can I contact if I have questions or need assistance using BearBUY?

For ONLY UC Berkeley's staff and faculty, please contact the BearBUY Help Desk for ANY BearBUY transaction or system-related inquiries,

The BearBUY Help Desk is the #1 place to go to for support regarding:

  • BearBUY information
  • Recommended best practices
  • Technical assistance
  • Policy related questions
  • Any other BearBuy related inquiries

Contact Information:

  • Phone: 510-664-9000 Option 1, Option 2 (ONLY for UC Berkeley's staff and faculty)
  • Hours: Mon. – Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Email: