All campus employees, affiliates, and graduate students with a CalNet ID can shop for goods or services in BearBUY. Purchasing transactions are initiated by logging into BearBUY directly ( once the Supplier has been set up in BearBUY as a Vendor.
The benefits of these agreements may include, but are not limited to:
- Cost savings
- Negotiated terms and conditions
- Reduced risk to the University
- Streamlined ordering process - Orders less than $100,000 will not route to a Buyer
How to find existing Agreements
On the BearBUY home page, there is a new tile listed under the Campus Related Services, "UC Contracts". Select the link to view all active UCOP and UCB agreements.
How to order from existing Agreements
If what you need to buy is already covered by an agreement, create a requisition in BearBUY to the Supplier listed in the Agreement. Training documents can be found on the Supply Chain Management BearBUY Instructional Resources page.
Associating the contract with your order:
1. If the contract number is populated on the requisition no further action is needed.
- If not, associate the agreement in the Bear Buy Form by selecting the contract hyperlink just under the Supplier name.
- If you search and you can't find the contract you are looking for, contact your Buyer for assistance.
- If you have a contract that isn't on the list, list the agreement details in line item description and attach an electronic copy to the requisition. This is a manual association and will route to a Buyer for review if it is $10,000.00 or greater.
BearBUY Catalogs - Contracted Suppliers
The best way to make most common purchases is to use the catalogs in BearBUY. These catalogs have the best combination of product availability, delivery, costs and value-added incentives for the campus. Catalog orders do not require SCM review for orders under $100,000.00.
UC Berkeley SCM and the University of California, Office of the President have entered into strategically sourced agreements that are catalogs but can be found on the Contracts link in BearBUY. SCM recommends using existing agreements whenever possible to streamline the procurement process.
UCB campus-wide & UCOP systemwide Agreements
In compliance with UC policy and applicable local, State and Federal laws and regulations, SCM executes and manages UC Systemwide and Campus agreements to serve and protect the University in the procurement of goods & services.
Purchases of non-equipment items against existing UC agreements may be made by departments without a Buyer up to $99,999.00.
Competitively bid agreement: An agreement that was awarded as a result of competition establishes price reasonableness. Soliciting competitive bids or quotes from qualified suppliers is the preferred method to establish a reasonable price and is sometimes required by state and federal statute. A competitively bid agreement is valid up to the amount, and/or for the commodity, that the competition covered and the terms of the agreement. Purchases of non-equipment items against a competitively bid agreement may also be placed for amounts greater than $100,000.00. For example, end users may create a single PO that is greater than $100,000.00 for Dell computers or Steelcase furniture (both of which are covered under a UC agreement).
Price Schedules: Do NOT establish price reasonableness and will need to have an RFx to demonstrate competition if the request is greater than $100,000.00 These agreements are usually created to negotiate terms and conditions for goods and services.
Contact your Buyer for assistance.