Wage and Benefits Parity


Third-party contracted workers must be provided wages and benefits of equivalent value to those provided to SX and EX bargaining unit employees performing the same or similar work at the UC location where the work is being performed.  This is an hourly composite rate of labor and benefits.

UC Office of the President provides the wage and benefits parity rates for all SX and EX job titles annually. The relevant wage and benefit parity rate are determined during the contracting out approval process. During the procurement process, the supplier is required to sign a "Wage & Benefits Parity Appendix" which contains the minimum hourly rate they must pay their employee while performing work at UC.

ATTENTION!! University staff must post the Supplier Workplace poster in the location where the services are being performed.

Insourcing & Employment Conversion

Workers who have worked for the contractor performing work at a University location for 1,000 hours over a rolling twelve (12) month period or 35% time over a rolling thirty-six (36) month period, shall be deemed a “qualified individual” (QI) for conversion to UC employment. QI’s must be offered UC career employment at the same location or at a location within ten miles of the campus where they performed the work under the contractor.


Failure to comply with Article 5 and Regent Policy 5402 may cause the University to be subjected to unnecessary grievances, arbitrations, and Requests for Information.

Employees who fail to follow these guidelines may be subject to disciplinary action.