The Chief Procurement Officer for UC Berkeley has delegated purchasing authority for common goods and services to campus departments up to a limit of $10,000 using BearBUY or a bluCard under the Low-Value Purchasing Authorization (LVPA). Any purchase that is made outside of the LVPA is subject to review and determination of financial responsibility. Purchases that appear to be "split order" purchases to circumvent the LVPA and purchases made for personal use and have no university business purpose are also subject to review. Additionally, a Purchase Order (PO) must be dispatched before the Supplier starts providing its services or ships its goods to ensure the Supplier has accepted and is bound to the "UC Terms & Conditions of Purchase."
RESTRICTIONS: The following goods and services must be reviewed by an SCM Buyerand/or gain additional campus approvals before the purchase and are outside the LVPA regardless of cost:
- Purchases that require a signed, legally binding agreement, including online acceptance of terms of use
- On-site third-party labor-related services of any kind (on-site includes University owned, leased, or rented properties) that may be Prevailing Wage or Covered Services work
- Services where the Supplier will maintain, store, review or transmit UC-protected or UC Institutional Information including but not limited to FEPRA, Credit Cards (PCI), GDPR, Health and/or HIPAA data requiring an ISO Vendor Security Assessment
- Contracts that transfer any UC patent, copyrighted material, trademark, IP, or involve commercial filming
- Construction/services involving structural modifications to buildings
- Goods or services purchased from an employee or near relatives of any University employee - See the Conflicts of Interest policy
- Laboratory and other animals - contact the Office of Laboratory Animal Care
- Specialized capital equipment of more than $4,999.99 - Equipment Management
- Charter bus/vehicle services
- Vehicles/Fleet purchases
- Restricted items - guns, ammunition, explosives, controlled substances, toxic chemicals or gases
- Goods and services that may require Environment, Health, and Safety review
- Public-facing websites, software, or online content platforms that require Disability Access & Compliance